on Mother’s Day

If you can call your Mom today then you are truly blessed;
I hope you take the time to talk to her before you rest.
Please tell her that you’re grateful and for sure you truly see
The gift she was to care for you before you came to be.
Mom knows you and she loves you even though she knows your stuff;
She sometimes laughs and sometimes cries and often says “Enough”!
But don’t you ever think that she seems not to have your back,
Because she’s fearless and she’s brave when you do face attack.
You owe her heart for work and sweat and tears she’s shed for you,
So give her yours and call her loved – it’s the right thing you should do.
She represents the Father and she serves Him with her care,
she teaches you to hear His voice and give Him your hurts to bear.
If you can call her – thank her; but if not, then thank the LORD,
and honor Mom by your own life and prove she is adored.

mother and children walks near body of water
Photo by Josh Willink on Pexels.com